Aminet 5
Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso
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Text File
124 lines
Documentation for AmiBoard V1.0
by Thorsten Greiner
Getting Started:
First decide which Screenmode you will use with AmiBoard. Enter this into
the Screenmode=... tooltype of the AmiBoard icon. An Installer script is
provided to install the appropriate brush for the chess pieces.
Now, if you have an Amiga with less than 2 MB of free RAM, the settings
for the hashtables may be too large. In this case, set the HTBits and
PTBits tooltypes to 15 or less.
A double click on the AmiBoard icon will start the program.
How to enter moves:
To move a piece, click on the square it stands on, keep the mouse button
pressed, move mouse to the destination square and release mouse button. If
the move is illegal, the screen will flash.
If the move is a pawn promotion, a requester will pop up asking to what
kind of piece the pawn will promote.
If the Analysis/Respond automatically? entry is checked, AmiBoard will
compute its move and make it on the board.
Description of menus:
Load - Open a PGN file and load a game from it
Load another - load another game from the same PGN file
Save - Save current game to PGN file. (will be appended)
Information - edit the PGN Seven Tag Roaster
About - Show info about AmiBoard
Quit - Leave AmiBoard
End of Game - End the current game
Rotate - Rotate Board
Time - Select time (unregistered version allows 3 mins max.)
Exact ? - If this is checked, AmiBoard will think for exactly
the selected time, otherwise it will adjust it
Analyze Position - Analyze the current position
(does not use the opening book)
Computer move - Analyze the current position and make best move on the
board (uses the opening book)
Show Analysis - Open the analysis window
Show statistics? - If checked, AmiBoard will show the statistics of the
search after completion.
Respond automatically?
- If checked, AmiBoard will respond automatically to a
move made on the board.
This program is SHAREWARE. If you use it regularly, please pay a shareware
fee of US-$ 15 or DM 20 to the author. The author's address:
Thorsten Greiner
Wettinerstr. 68
42287 Wuppertal
email: greiner@wpts0.physik.uni-wuppertal.de
Registered users will receive an AmigaGuide documentation for AmiBoard and
a keyfile which unlocks certain features in this and following versions of
the program. Your name and address will be encoded in this keyfile.
Legal Stuff:
AmiBoard is (C) 1994 Thorsten Greiner
No guarantee of any kind is given that the program described in this
document is 100 % reliable. You are using this material at your own risk.
The author CAN NOT be made responsible for any damage which is caused by
using this program.
This package is freely distributable, but still copyrighted by Thorsten
Greiner. This means that you can copy it freely as long as you don't ask
for a more than nominal copying fee.
Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain
collections, especially in Fred Fishs Amiga Disk Library (including CD ROM
versions of it). The distribution file may be uploaded to Bulletin Board
Systems or FTP servers. If you want to distribute this program you MUST
use the contents of the original distribution archive `AmiBoard_V1_0.lha'.
The archive may be distributed unpacked or packed with a different
archiver, if necessary.